Everyone can use a personal computer to mine Tidecoin
4 easy setup steps
You can mine Tidecoins in your browser that supports WASM (Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge).Open https://pool.tidecoin.exchange/workers, enter your TDC wallet address into Miner Lookup field and click Lookup button.Scroll down to the workers section. Select number of Threads (usually 4 – 8 is enough) and click Start button.As long as your browser window is open, your computer will mine Tidecoins!
Recommended mining software
Mining Pools
You can find the list of all active mining pools at https://miningpoolstats.stream/tidecoin
Please support decentralization. Do not mine in the pool with the highest hashrate.

Setup mining software
- 1Choose a pool at Miningpoolstats
- 2Setup a bat file, like following example for tidepool.worldYou can simply change one of the existing bat.Replace the address TDonatesp8rFHvBisi5owFW7Yn89J5ZJaq with your mining address from the wallet.@echo offcd %~dp0clsSRBMiner-MULTI.exe –disable-gpu –algorithm yespowertide –pool tidepool.world:6243 –wallet TDonatesp8rFHvBisi5owFW7Yn89J5ZJaq –password c=TDCpause
- 3Happy mining!
Watch your results on pool you selected. For tidepool.world copy this link http://tidepool.world/workers/address replace with your address.